The Web3DA’s goal is to bring more standards to data on Web3 Profiles, Assets, Products and Companies.
Note: This is not fully live - it is very much an alpha. We are testing, we have soft commitments behind closed doors, but we are focusing on other areas right now.
This will be picked up in the near future.
Data platforms provide information, UI’s and insights to all web3 users. Retail or institutional.
These are anything from wallets, custodians, portfolio tools, exchanges and DEXs. For too long have all the platforms existed on their own islands.
They currently spend $50M+ a year to implement and collect offchain data to their internal standards, closing off the market and forcing entrenchment. This leads to fragmentation. In the age of AI, this problem is going to get worse. The costs will go up year-on-year.
Check out a blog post here that explains the problem
Web3DA will be a foundation that leads, develops and advocates for a standard that encompasses Web3 / RWAs / Blockchain and will do so in an open source way.
We will probably end up building custom standard collaboration software that uses Web3 primitives.
The standard should stand for: simplicity, being agnostic, logical.
You can check out an early version (which will be updated over time) at
Experienced GC, who wrote some of the most widely used data licensees, such as the one used by OpenStreet Map and the City of SF. Worked for traditional and scale up B2B SaaS companies for 20 years.
What is our charter?
To create a maintained, evolving standard that moves the ecosystem forward
To be independent and agnostic
To use Web3 to help structure Web3
Sign our public ‘Pre-Commitment’ / Letter of intent here to show public support:
If you want to be kept in the loop of this and want to ‘sign’ the letter of intent, go here:
After moderation, your info will show up below. We are focused on onboarding companies that show or directly consume data. We are not looking for independent researchers at this time, but do apply and leave us a note.
Web3 Data Alliance - SIGNUPS
Org Type
This is needed:
What data ecosystem are you most interested in amp why are you interested in joining the web3 DA
Org Type
This is needed:
What data ecosystem are you most interested in amp why are you interested in joining the web3 DA
Jonathan Knegtel
The Grid
Data Provider
CEO / Co-founder
Michell Zappa
Founder + CEO
David Truong
Retail Data PlatformOther
Protocol Labs
L1 / L2
Data Engineer
Zowie Langdon
Technical consulting
Anthony Isaacson
Oz Protocol
Onchain security data provider
Threat intelligence needs to be tied to real world entities. Projects, people, applications.
Access to the repo of entities will help us build out a far more complete picture of the security landscape.
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